
Experienced in delivering workshops to government, NGOs, associations, industry and business in many different countries, the Archer Team is constantly adding workshops that respond to requested areas of focus.

Whatever the topic, our Workshops are designed to be fun, release the creativity in all, keep closely to target and deliver solid forward Next Steps and High Level Plans.

Others may provide an overview of the theme. Our focus is to deal in actualities, specific examples and opportunities relevant to the audience. At the end of each Workshop we provide a succinct Summary Report that can be used as a handbook to proceed forward.

We focus on quick wins, while developing long-term relationships and sustainable business outcomes that in themselves become generators of new business.

Newest Workshops

The Developing Developer

As a Developer you know how to do the coding so you know how to manage the client relationship so your code matches the business need.

Do you?

It is just logic,  isn’t it?

- We ask the client what they want to achieve.

- We think about the possible solutions, discuss them and their implications,  give a quotation, get agreement and – job done.

- Then, on to the business of producing the solution.

It’s not quite that simple.

This workshop breaks that into manageable bits, so what is produced does the job expected, while being within:

  • the client’s agreed cost
  • your costs, with minimal rework and risk to give maximum returns
  • the promised timelines.

This workshop guides the aspiring technology professional with a checklist, without which achieving all the above is problematic. Download the Brochure Here

Well Matched

How to effectively establish your presence in a new geographic marketplace

In this two day workshop the company will establish a forward plan to establish its presence in the chosen new market geography with a streamlined “Go To Market” that minimizes the risk of the required investment. The workshop activities will identify cost-neutral activities that can refine your market entry, with a tight focus on what is essential, what sequence of activities should be planned, and what key relationships are possible and should be developed.

             Download (.pdf)

Sticky Attraction

How to use collaborative business projects to attract the investment that will bring long-term jobs and build economy and community

In this workshop we will review your economy to agree what tools (infrastructure, skills, history, culture) are in your toolkit, what future options could look like, and select short and long-term targets. It will select what design is needed, who can help for mutual benefit, what tools you need to add, what funding is required – and who can provide it from both the public and private

             Download (.pdf)